Saturday, February 25, 2006

Better News

I've been reading news articles and reports from Malawi. It seems as though Malawi is in for a better than average harvest. Food should be more available towards the middle of the year.


"The generosity shown by donors to support the people of Malawi has been overwhelming
James T. Morris, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Humanitarian Needs in Southern AfricaAfter a two-day visit to the country, Morris said that recent good rainfall could mean Malawi has a good harvest this year and as a result, for the first time in four years, could turn its full attention to medium-term and longer-term humanitarian projects rather than only focusing on immediate needs.

This article gives a good overview of what the World Food Programme is doing to satisfy those immediate needs.

I leave on the 28th of February and arrive on Martyrs day*, March the 3rd. It'll be exactly 6 months since I arrived back in Australia and started working out how to get back to Malawi.

*Martyrs day, March 3rd 1959, 12 protesters were killed as they marched on Police escorting prisoners onto the MV Ilala at Nkata Bay. In recent years I have met 3 officials (expatriate and native Malawian) who were there that dreadful day, each with their own story. I wish I'd recorded them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Jeff! Keep it up!